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7 Steps to Create Training Videos

7 Steps to Create Training Videos

Create superb training videos now to teach your teams quickly, on any subject! Now, you can use an online video editor to help you!

Do you want to bring your corporate training sessions to the next level? Then, you should create training videos! Indeed, many studies showed that the human brain retains 80% of what it sees and only 10% of what it reads.

Using training videos is more effective than text contained in documents and manuals. Consequently, training videos are used in many contexts: product demos, customer training, employee training…

However, if you are a beginner lacking creative skills, producing training videos can be challenging. But we have good news. Indeed, video creation for training is not as complicated as it used to be. With the right tools and video editing software, you can create the training content filling the needs of your company.
This article will provide you with useful tips to create effective training videos for your business. You can find many more articles about video on our blog.

What is a training video?

A training video is designed to educate its viewers on a specific topic. The goal of this type of video is to get the audience to understand and retain a new knowledge or skill at a faster pace.
The typical training video showcases a presenter that comprehensively covers a problem and helps its viewers gain new skills and knowledge by the end of the video.


However, there are other examples of training videos, such as:

· Screencasts : when presenting software, many trainers decide to film their screen directly, to show, step by step, how to get into the software, which part, which section to open, etc… Filming their screen directly provides a real-life situation for the trainees.

· Presentation videos: videos presenting a product or service can also quickly show how to use it: this is often the case, for example, for household appliances, mobile applications, new platforms, etc.

· Live training videos: some trainers choose to run live training sessions, hoping to attract as many participants as possible (to ask questions live), and offering those who were unable to attend the opportunity to watch the replay.

· Animated videos: if you don’t want to include filmed tricks in your training video (or if you don’t have them available on the video editing interface), you can create a training video entirely using motion design, to give your content dynamism by adapting it to your graphic charter.

· Video interviews: another fairly widespread trend: directly interviewing the people in charge of designing a product or service, who can answer a sort of FAQ.

What are the benefits of creating training videos for your business?

As explained earlier, training videos offer multiple benefits compared to written documentation and manuals. If you are ready to switch from text to video, here are the benefits you can get from creating training videos.

More engaging

training video engaging

Creating training content is highly engaging and adds more fun to the training process. Indeed, training videos contain a combination of video, background audio, and changing visuals. This will make sure that your viewers will never get bored while learning important processes. Moreover, in the current online training settings, you can add many audience engagement techniques in your training videos: emojis, interactive quizzes and exercises, viewer feedback…These engagement techniques will help you keep your audience hooked during the whole time they get trained.

Time-saving and budget-friendly

video creation for training time saving

When you create videos for employee training, you will save money in the long run. This will enable your company to allocate resources where they are more needed. Moreover, you can use training videos by recording repetitive content that you can use at any similar occasion. Thus, creating training videos help you streamline your corporate training process easily.

Easily accessible to each audience

video training easy

With training videos, you can create training content for your employees, partners, or customers according to their needs. Moreover, if you create a training library, they can access your training videos whenever they want. Thus, they will not need the presence of an instructor to get the answers they want. All they need is to watch the full training video to get the information they are looking for.

Easily shareable with the world

share training video

Once you create a training video, you can easily share it with anyone in the world, no matter where they live. This means that you can easily share it with remote employees as well.

Brand credibility enhancer

video training branding

Creating training content can improve the way your audience perceives your brand. Indeed, when you make videos covering your audience’s most common questions, you become the best source of education in your industry. This increases your branding power and influence while driving word of mouth. Moreover, training videos can participate in raising your customer satisfaction rate.

SEO booster

video for training seo

Publishing training videos on your website or YouTube channel is a perfect way to drive more traffic from search engines. This is especially true if you optimize your title and select the right keywords in your description.

Sales closing tool

video training sold

Training videos can be an excellent sales tool since they make your sales arguments more impactful. For instance, you can use them to vividly explain your product’s features and how your audience can get value from it.

Follow these rules if you want to create an efficient training video

Do you want to create a training video that stands out? Then, you must know that impactful training videos follow four main criteria.

Short and concise

You do not need to make long videos to create the best training videos! Rather, your videos must contain actionable pieces of content with a clear outcome for your viewers. Consequently, you must break down your training video into micro videos of less than 5 minutes.

Step-by-step explanations

The best training videos contain step-by-step actionable guidelines. They are walkthroughs holding the viewers’ hand and help them execute proper actions.

Clear and straight-to-the-point instructions

You should not include unnecessary details to create a compelling training video. Instead of creating a lengthy training video, you must jump right into the issue you are tackling and share instructions to follow.

High-quality audio and video

Your training videos will be very effective if you pay attention to the quality of your audio and video. Thus, you must ensure that you use HD video quality with clear-to-hear audio instructions.

7 steps to create high-quality training videos

Are you a beginner who wants to produce training videos? Then you must know that it is not that complicated. However, you must follow some essential tips to create training videos you will be proud of.

Step #1: Define your goals

Before creating your training content, you must ask yourself several questions about your goals and topic:

· What is the topic you want to address?
· What is your goal?
· What do you want to teach in your video?
· What skill will the viewers learn in your video?
· Can you cover the topic in a short-sized video?

Depending on your answers, you will easily determine your video’s scope, format, and other details.

Step #2: Define your video format

When you choose your video format, you must do it in accordance with your business goal. For example, screencast is the best format for product tutorials, while animated whiteboards are suitable to explain processes. Whatever the format you choose, it must be aligned with your business goals to have a long-lasting impact on your audience.

Step #3: Create a storyboard

Creating a video storyboard will help you define the different phases of your video and determine its progress. Depending on your branding scenario, you may create a basic timeline or something more sophisticated. Your storyboard depends on your content’s length and complexity.

Step #4: Write your video script

Creating a script for your training videos works differently according to the type of video format you chose. However, you must always remember your branding scenario and write the main points you want to highlight in your video. This step is essential, especially if you want to share your video on your website or on your social media platforms.

Step #5: Produce your training video

Depending on the video format you chose, you will add animations, images, and arrange your lighting, cameras, and surroundings. Moreover, you will need a proper recording microphone to ensure you get the best audio quality in your video.

Step #6: Edit your training video

With your video editing software, you may remove unwanted frames, insert overlays, or include subtitles during the editing process.

Step #7: Share your training video with your audience

Are you ready to share your training video? Then, save it to a cloud platform where everybody can access it, like your YouTube channel. Don’t forget to track your training video’s performance with the proper analytics and adjust it if necessary.

Ready to create your first training video? Contact us

Do you want to create long-lasting impactful training videos? Then, the online video editor Pitchy is the tool you need. Thanks to our multiple features, you will create training videos that match your business and marketing goals. Pitchy is the best software for businesses: you can choose among various templates, add images and voice effects.

If you are interested in our software, feel free to ask for a demo.

Margaux Ponthieux Global Content Manager
Global Content Manager

With six years' expertise in Content Marketing, Margaux embodies the quintessence of B2B editorial strategy. Ready to take on new challenges, she is the creative force that will propel your content to new heights.

Creation date 18/07/2024


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