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How to Make Effective Internal Communications Videos

How to Make Effective Internal Communications Videos

Elevate your internal communications game with engaging videos! Explore the impact of visual storytelling on fostering better workplace connections.

Do you want your business to thrive? Then, you must know that a great part of a thriving business is effective communication with your employees.

Indeed, according to many studies, a company’s skill set of employees represents 85% of a company’s assets. Therefore, you must really cater to your employees to increase the efficiency of your business with the right tools. Among these tools, you find more and more the use of internal communication videos within companies.

Using effective internal communications videos can help you boost your employee satisfaction and engagement. Whether you use them as training videos or announcement videos, they have become one of the most sought-after HR best practices over the years.

However, if you have never used them in your internal communication strategy, you should not worry. In this article, we will show you how to effectively boost your teams with these internal videos.

If you want to learn more about videos for companies, do not hesitate to read more articles on our blog.

What is an internal communications video?

This is an internal video aiming at sharing information, updates, or messages with the employees of a company. They mainly target an internal audience, i.e. professionals of the company, rather than external stakeholders like vendors or shareholders.

Moreover, internal communications videos are used to cover an extended range of topics. Indeed, they can be used to address company policies, training materials, organisational updates, or employee recognition.

For example, an internal communications video may be a tutorial for cybersecurity:

Some tips about work behaviour:

Or even an onboarding agenda for collaborators:

What are the main uses of internal communications videos?

uses internal communication videos

Companies use internal communications videos on many occasions:

· Recruitment videos to attract the best professionals in your company,
· Onboarding videos to welcome new employees to your company,
· Company culture videos to help your new employees understand your values and corporate culture,
· Announcement videos to convey important announcements to your employees without distortion (e.g. promotions of a product),
· Training videos to keep your employees’ skill set updated,
· Explainer videos to explain a subject entertainingly.

Why do you need internal communications videos for your business?

Through internal communications videos, you can offer engaging content that streamline your company’s messages. Thus, you can overcome many barriers such as borders, different languages, and time with your employees. Here are some reasons why you need internal communications videos in your company.

To convey information in a consistent and timely manner

Since videos are used to convey messages from a centralised platform, companies can be assured that their messages are distributed consistently and timely. This is true notwithstanding the different platforms or devices the message will be received.

To eradicate overloaded information

internal communication video overloaded information

Through engaging videos, companies will cut through administrative clutter induced by daily tasks, notifications, and emails.

To enhance personalised communication within the company

As companies customise internal videos for different categories of employees, they will be able to feel a sense of personal responsibility. Therefore, they will be more likely to engage more with the video.

To overthrow language barriers

Thanks to subtitles and video translations, internal videos can bridge the communication gap in global companies with multicultural teams. Thus, everyone will understand the proper message conveyed by the company, regardless of the native language of the employees.

To boost employee satisfaction through feedback

Internal communications videos can provide timely feedback to employees in different areas of the world. This is especially true for training videos including interactive quizzes and surveys.

To ensure data confidentiality and security

internal communication video data security

Companies can train their employees on data security protocols through internal videos. Moreover, they can encrypt the videos to guarantee the confidentiality of sensitive information.

To promote transparency within the organisation

When companies use internal videos to share updates, announcements, or reports, they help create an environment of trust and transparency within their organisation.

To offer training opportunities to enhance the employees’ skills

Companies can use internal communications videos to create immersive e-learning modules to train their employees. Thus, they can learn new skills at their own pace, provided they are consistent.

To convey corporate values effectively

Internal videos are effective tools to convey the culture and values of a company to employees all over the world. Thus, the company ensures that all its employees are aligned with the company’s mission and vision.

7 steps to create effective internal communications videos

steps internal communication video

Do you plan to transition from in-site communication to internal videos? If this is your case, you may be overwhelmed by the work you must carry out to produce high-quality videos. If you are a beginner and you are afraid that you are not gifted enough to create videos, we have good news for you.

Indeed, with the right video maker, you will create stunning and engaging internal communications videos without hassles. All you need is to follow the following best practices to do it.

Step #1: Know your audience and purpose

Before creating your internal communications video, you must define your audience and the purpose of your video. Indeed, having this information in mind will help define your video’s scope and format. Here are the questions you must answer before creating your internal video:

· What is the topic you want to address?
· What is your goal?
· What do you want to teach in your video?
· What skills will the employees learn in your video?

Step #2: Define your video format

When you choose your video format, you must do it according to your business goal. Whatever format you choose, it must be aligned with your business goals to have a long-lasting impact on your audience.

Step #3: Create a storyboard

Creating a video storyboard will help you define the different phases of your video and determine its progress. Your storyboard depends on your content’s length and complexity.

Step #4: Write your script

Creating a script for your internal communications videos works differently according to the type of video format you choose. Write the main points you want to highlight in your video. do not forget that your script must focus on your target audience and your initial purpose.

Step #5: Produce your internal video

Depending on the video format you chose, you will add animations, images, and arrange your lighting, cameras, and surroundings. Moreover, you will need a proper recording microphone to ensure you get the best audio quality in your video. You may also add customisation elements such as your logo, your graphic charter, and your images in your video.

Step #6: Edit your internal video

With your video editing software, you may remove unwanted frames, insert overlays, or include subtitles during the editing process.

Step #7: Share your internal communications video with your employees

Are you ready to share your internal communications video? Then, save it to a cloud platform where your employees can access it. do not forget to track your video’s performance with the proper analytics and adjust it if necessary.

Ready to create your first internal communications video? Contact Pitchy

Do you want to improve your internal communication with your employees? Then, Pitchy is your best ally to help you create the internal communications videos your company needs.

You do not need to be a video expert to be creative, and make your own video content, to boost your brand’s visibility, to make internal communications, to show the benefits of your product/solution, to give a tip (or more tips) on a particular subject, or to show the expertise of your colleagues. Video remains an excellent approach for internal communications! On Pitchy, you can choose a premade video template, depending on your goals, and create your own video from scratch. You will be able to customise it, so your brand can be identified, and add filmed rushes (that you can crop and resize on Pitchy).
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marc burger author
Marc Burger
Content Manager

A passionate Content Manager at Pitchy, Marc excels in designing and implementing captivating strategies, combining hard-hitting writing and in-depth analysis to bring you the best information!

Creation date 12/02/2024


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