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The 5 steps of Storyboard Video

The 5 steps of Storyboard Video

To get into the habit of writing a quality storyboard for your corporate videos, you might as well go step by step to set up a process.

Even before shooting and editing your corporate video, you need to take some time to think about it. Video is more than just images and computer graphics. A video is also a message, and this message will be determined in the storyboard.
Another crucial point in the storyboard is the segmentation of your video into different sequences. This preliminary work will then serve as a common thread throughout.

In this article, we will guide you step by step, by giving you some advice. For your future storyboards, you will be able to establish a process to follow, to find your way around, and not skip any steps.

First, you need to establish a script and a timeline

storyboard video timeline

It sounds basic, but every video has a beginning, a middle and an end. And in each of these stages you will need to integrate different elements and information.

So the first step in your storyboard is to say where your video should start, and where it will end.
How will the timing of your video be presented? Will it be completely linear? If it’s an animated infographic, you can make ellipses, jumps in time, forward into the future, then backwards into the past.
List the different scenes you have in mind, in chronological order. Then, when editing, you will integrate sequences to link them together.

Identify the key scenes and moments in your video whiteboard

Be aware that not all of your video will be retained. Your audience will only remember a few things: keywords, images, numbers, quotes or other highlights.

If it’s a product launch, shots of the product in question, followed by the features highlighted verbatim will be among the highlights of your video.

If it is a staff interview, the presentation of the interviewee (name, first name, position) and certain key quotes should be clearly highlighted.

If it is a teaser, the practical information should be highlighted: date, place, time and registration link.

For each box in your storyboard, write the scene in detail (length, cuts, movement, action, transitions and other details for further animation)

five steps of storyboard man writing storyboard

To get the most accurate idea of the scenes in your video, you will need to write down everything you want to take into account for each scene:
– the elements of the set,
– the expression and positioning of the actors,
– the possible exchanges between the participants (for example, if you are filming a corporate video and two people are talking at the coffee machine),
– the subtitles to be included,
– verbatims or keywords to highlight,
– special effects,
– dress code if necessary,
– composition (lighting, foreground/background, colour palette, etc.)
– how will your video be filmed? In close-up? American shot?

In the boxes of your simple storyboard, draw what you think the scenes and characters should look like

In the image age we have been aiming for for years, a picture or drawing is often more meaningful than text. Rather than over-detailing the text below the cells, which can slow down your teams’ work, give importance to the drawing.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
In your drawing, emphasise the emotions, the attitude, and you can even use dialogue bubbles, as in a comic strip.

In fact, your storyboard should look like a comic book when it is finished.

Finalise your storyboard frame for your colleagues in charge of filming

Once you have identified the key points of the subject and worked out a design for each frame, review your work and make final changes.
Make sure that each cell portrays the action you want it to portray.
Ask for someone else’s help. It’s a good idea to have someone else review and correct your storyboard, so this person makes sure it flows well and isn’t confusing.
Consider adding colour. If you’re creating an advertising storyboard, this will help your ideas.

Remember that you don’t have to be an artist to make understandable drawings. Depending on most cases, storyboards don’t need to be perfect, they only need to make sense to your team.

Want to see a great example of a storyboard? Do you need to create a video storyboard and don’t know where to start? Then, Pitchy has the right tool for you. Our platform can be used as a storyboard software with storyboard example, template, notes, scene, feedback and guide. Therefore, we can give you all the tools to create your storyboard online.
Also, our platform will provide you with all the elements you might need to become an effective storyboard artist, even if you are not a graphic designer. Frame, script, dialogue, captcha, drawings, sketches, voiceovers, visuals…you will find everything you need for your film on our platform.
Do you need more information on our platform to create your video storyboards? In this case, feel free to request a demo.

marc burger author
Marc Burger
Content Manager

A passionate Content Manager at Pitchy, Marc excels in designing and implementing captivating strategies, combining hard-hitting writing and in-depth analysis to bring you the best information!

Creation date 30/11/2021


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