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Infographic Video Maker will make your Data understandable

Infographic Video Maker will make your Data understandable

Today, most sales and marketing teams are gathering more and more data. The infographics video maker will help you make it clearer.

In the past, marketing was about reaching as many people as possible, especially through television. Advertisers fought for the most coveted time slots, spending considerable amounts of money.
Today, marketing campaigns are much more targeted: they are emails, sponsored campaigns, sent to carefully studied audiences. We are no longer simply looking to be seen: we want to know who opened the email, who clicked on which links, and how long the openers spent reading the email.
All this data is combined and presented to the teams in the form of graphs and charts.
The problem is that all this data is sometimes difficult for viewers to assimilate. And that’s where the infographic video maker can help you make this information more easily understandable.

What is a video infographic made with infographic video maker?

The principle is simple: you have to make a short video (ideally, less than two minutes), with movement, a voice-over, animations, images and different templates. This video should put in motion all the data you have selected beforehand.

And with a web video editor like Pitchy, making this type of video becomes much easier for you. You could even bring the production of your animated infographics in-house. It’s easy with this type of platform 😉

Take a look at this performance tracking, made with Pitchy:

Or this in-house training report, again using our tool:

And even a quarterly report, always with our software:

Why does infographic video maker make data easier to understand with infographic video?

Your audience’s memory is primarily visual…

Just remember this figure: 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is primarily visual. We are therefore designed to retain images and animations better than text and statistics.

…And infographic video made with infographic video maker first and foremost an image or a timeline

Before starting your video creation, start with image content: put the data compiled in your infographic into images. Then, when you move on to pure video creation, you will add footage, suggested by the on-line infographic video maker, and also add your own images.

Pitchy’s advice: before you start this picture making, think about writing a storyboard. This is exactly like a comic book, with each box corresponding to a scene in your final video. Below each box, feel free to write down as many elements as possible: shot, colours, voice-over, or design.

And video is the content that works best on social networks

If you want to gain notability on social media, video will remain the best tool, much better than the best presentations: in 2022, video will occupy 82% of traffic.
It will be seen more, shared more.

You might as well say that :
– if your video is not too long,
– if it has subtitles, to be seen without sound,
– if the music and motion design sequences do not take up too much space,
– if the figures are easy to digest,
– your content is dynamic,

You have every chance of convincing with video infographics 😉

What about you? Would you like to make a good infographic, better than static infographics, with an infograhic maker? Where you could add subtitles, high-quality voice-over, charts, infographic designer, or any type of data visualisation, with motion graphics and brand guidelines? The process for making beautiful infographics for your customers on social media is pretty simple

Ask for a demo of the Pitchy solution, an easy tool made for non-designers who want to animate graphics. And watch our infographic examples.

marc burger author
Marc Burger
Content Manager

A passionate Content Manager at Pitchy, Marc excels in designing and implementing captivating strategies, combining hard-hitting writing and in-depth analysis to bring you the best information!

Creation date 23/05/2022


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