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Tips To Create Engaging Institutional Videos

Tips To Create Engaging Institutional Videos

In this article, we give you some tips on how to make your institutional video a success, and win the trust of your audience.

Whenever they want to reach internal or external stakeholders, companies have relied more and more on institutional videos these past years.

Why? Because the attractiveness of video makes it easier for companies to introduce their brands and values to their clients, current employees, as well as other vendors. Indeed, 43% of people use videos to find information about companies in which they are interested.

However, many companies still see corporate videos as elements outside their marketing and communication strategy. And they are wrong. Instead, a well-crafted institutional video can be instrumental in helping inform your audience about your company while keeping captivating as well.

This article will show five essential tips you need to create institutional videos that will take your company to the next level.

Tip #1: Understand your audience

institutional video audience

To create outstanding corporate videos, you must know your audience as a first step. This will enable you to set the effective tone content of your video, so that your message will be conveyed the way you want.

For instance, if your core target audience is internal to your company, you will focus more on sending attractive messages to your employees. Thus, your corporate videos will infuse a sense of belonging to the company’s culture and values. Also, you can highlight your best talents or enhance communication and cohesion within your teams. The corporate video is a great tool to increase engagement from your employees.

On the contrary, if your core target audience is external, then your message will be aimed at customers, shareholders, vendors, and potential new hires. In that case, you may create an explainer video to enhance your employer brand, attract new clients, and generate leads from other potential stakeholders by getting to know you better.

Tip #2: Define your objective

institutional video objective

After identifying your audience, you must also be clear about the objectives you want to reach with the video. Thus, you will enhance the effectiveness of your message. Also, you’ll be able to better define the success of your institutional video.
Don’t hesitate to define your “why” if you want to craft successful corporate videos. Here are some examples of objectives you may define for your videos:

· Generate more incoming leads,
· Build brand awareness,
· Demonstrate your product or service,
· Educate your audience,
· Position yourself as an expert on certain topics to your audience.

Tip #3: Craft a compelling story

Storytelling is essential if you want your video story to be strong, impactful, and easy to remember for your audience. Indeed, a good story has the power to keep your viewers yearning for more about your company. Here are some inspiring subjects you can take for your video story:
· The origin story of your company’s values,
· The history of the family who founded the company and reign over it from generation to generation,
· Anecdotes from your valued partners and customers,
· The last achievements of your CSR policy,
· A viral launch video to increase your potential customers’ attention towards your new product…

Whatever the subject, you only need one thing to craft your storytelling: a good script! Indeed, a script will help you set your ideas in place during the creation of your corporate video. Here is the structure of a compelling video story:

· A catchy introduction that sets the tone of your video,
· The presence of a challenge you want to solve,
· The action or thread your action attempts to solve,
· The solution to your problem,
· The last word you need your audience to retain from your video.

Tip #4: Showcase authenticity and values

Writing a good video story is not enough. You must also show authenticity, which is highly valued nowadays. Therefore, a good script must not only tell a compelling story, but also be honest in reflecting your values and your brand identity.

Also, you can showcase authenticity during the footage of your corporate video. Here are some tips you can use to make your video more authentic:

· Pay attention to your gestures in the video: have neither too stiff nor too excessive gestures,
· Avoid robotic voice overs to tell your story and adopt a clear and natural voice for your communication,
· Avoid being too formal and switch to an offbeat and relaxed tone,
· Wear clothes that reflect your brand identity and the values of your company,
· Don’t be afraid of the camera: look at it as if your audience were near you.
Moreover, showing more authenticity will make your company more human and closer to your target audience. In this case, don’t hesitate to use behind-the-scenes footage, bloopers, and genuine client testimonials for that purpose. All these elements will strengthen your relationship with your target audience and your brand identity as well.

Tip #5: Keep it concise and engaging

In this age of limitless video content on the Internet, viewers want to watch concise and effective videos. Indeed, according to a Microsoft study, the average length of the human attention span is only 8 seconds. And there’s more:

· A 30-second video is watched to the very end by an average of 85% of the audience,
· A video under two minutes is watched to the end by an average of 70% of the audience.

Therefore, many experts advise to adopt an ideal average video length of 90 seconds to retain the viewers’ attention. That means that the ideal corporate video must be short and concise, with an impactful message.

There are several tips to help you create the ideal institutional video. For instance, you can use animations to make your corporate videos livelier. Also, add text to capture the main ideas of your message.

Also, don’t forget to add subtitles as many videos are watched without the sound. This will engage the part of your audience which cannot watch your videos with the sound for several reasons.

Ready to create your first institutional video? Contact us

institutional video contact us

What about you? Do you want to create a stunning youtube video format, short videos to attract prospective customers? With Pitchy, you can add voiceover, animation, graphics, subtitles for your corporate film (and many upcoming new features). The concept is Pitchy is to allow your employees to make their own videos, to make the process of video creation easier in terms of logistics and planning.
Do you want to create compelling institutional videos for your target audience? Then, Pitchy is the platform you need. We offer several tailored features that help you reach your marketing goals. If you are interested, feel free to ask for a demo.

marc burger author
Marc Burger
Content Manager

A passionate Content Manager at Pitchy, Marc excels in designing and implementing captivating strategies, combining hard-hitting writing and in-depth analysis to bring you the best information!

Creation date 27/07/2023


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