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BlogMarketing6 Examples Of Inspiring Personalised Videos

6 Examples Of Inspiring Personalised Videos

6 Examples Of Inspiring Personalised Videos

Personalised videos will allow your target audience to feel directly involved. Here are some video examples.

Why are personalised videos with mass rendering becoming an increasingly popular way for companies to communicate with their customers? Simply because they create a sense of identification and will specifically address the needs of the individual. Videos with such a level of personalisation can be used in the final stages of your sales marketing funnel to nurture your leads. And it is human nature to feel more concerned when you are addressed directly. Remember that 80% of customers are likely to purchase from a brand that provides a personalized experience.

Many of you are already asking yourselves: but if I have to send an email containing a video to several tens or even hundreds of thousands of people, I’m not going to be able to personalise each time. Well, think again: this is what we call mass generation. Today, thanks to online video editor, you can quickly generate videos with the recipient’s first name, to personalise your communication.

In this article, we give you six creative examples of how companies can personalise their videos, and maybe get some inspiration for your own.

Cadbury and George Young’s personalised video

The famous chocolate and confectionery brand is no stranger to personalised marketing. But recently they offered their community the chance to make a video for the person of their choice, provided they had at least a first name and some photos of their loved one. In this video, Cadbury pays tribute to Georfe Young, with touching family photos.

Why is it effective? Thanks to this personalised video, the brand interferes in your family life, and becomes a reflection of it: it participates, for example, with your family, in paying tribute to you, and arouses emotion in you, because you create an almost intimate link with this brand. It no longer simply sells you something: it is now part of your life.

Outdo you with Nike’s personalised video


You know the famous “just do it” from Nike. Well, with a customised video, the famous sports brand is inviting its followers to go the extra mile in the coming year.

How many kilometres have you run this year? What was your best time? What would be your challenges for next year? Nike has decided to compile all this information in a video, depending on the person and the data recorded by the person, in order to take stock of the situation in video, and to set more ambitious goals. Nike’s motto is to always strive for excellence.

Why does it work? The brand succeeds in personalising its message, while remaining true to its DNA, to its world-renowned philosophy of pushing the limits. And watching this video, you get the impression that Nike is supporting you, encouraging you to do better, like a real coach.

Facebook’s personalised videos, which you’ve probably seen

Facebook is not just a social network. It is a community of people who follow and love each other. Facebook therefore immediately saw the opportunity to personalise its communication, by wishing subscribers birthdays, Facebook anniversaries (the date on which they registered on the platform) or friendship anniversaries.

Why does it work? Facebook reuses its visual identity in abundance: emojis, likes, but also the photos of the recipients, which it can find on their profile. The idea is to keep in touch with subscribers, not just to have them on the platform, but to create a link between the platform and users, to strengthen the community bond, and above all, to say that each profile is unique.

Bluebiz birthday personalised video

BlueBiz is the corporate loyalty program of Air France, KLM and Partner Airlines. It is a company that lets you reward your team with free travel tickets.

For their customers’ birthdays, Bluebiz decided to make a short video, in which the recipient is the king or queen of the day (because that’s what birthdays are for, right?).

Why is this effective? Bluebiz takes advantage of this personalised video to retrace the customer’s journey, all the services provided (bar, beautiful view, warm welcome…). It reminds the customer that we are always there for him/her, that he/she is the centre of attention, and not only for his/her birthday.

Barclays wants to help Clare in a personalised video

Want to buy a new car? Do you want to do some ambitious work on your house? It’s always a good idea to apply for a loan from your bank. And that’s exactly what Barclay reminds us in this customised video. Here the bank knows exactly how much Clare would be entitled to if she applied.

Why is it effective? It shows that the bank knows the situation of its customers, and wants to support them in their projects, because it knows what they are entitled to. It is a springboard for life projects, and reminds us that money is not always an obstacle. Barclay also shows that each customer is different, does not inspire the same projects, and does not approach the bank for the same reasons: it is up to the bank to adapt.

Vodafone evoques deep emotional feelings with personalised dynamic content

One of the most famous telecommunications companies in the UK is known for evoking deep emotional feelings of the viewers. Here, the visitor is addressed with his/her name in the video and is requested to upgrade his/her mobile plan.

Why does it work? Vodafone knows that its customers are different, and do not use their phones in the same way. It therefore adapts its message, offering to go even further, depending on each person’s needs, to have the most optimal phone possible.

And what about you ? Did you know that, as marketers looking for new marketing strategies, you could create your own video content, your own video marketing to get more conversions from consumers? Remember that one personalised element can lead to a lot of conversions from a prospect, leading to a lot of benefits, and a higher click-to-open rate at a large scale, thanks to content personalisation. On the Pitchy platform, after you have seen a demo and once you have access to it, you can choose a template in our template library, and add other details in your interactive video: images, gifs, language options…Give the best video experience to your audience, for each viewer of your social networks and website!

Sign up for a demo from Pitchy right now

marc burger author
Marc Burger
Content Manager

A passionate Content Manager at Pitchy, Marc excels in designing and implementing captivating strategies, combining hard-hitting writing and in-depth analysis to bring you the best information!

Creation date 16/08/2022


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