BlogSocial mediaHow Youtube Outro Maker Allows You To Make Custom Outros?

How Youtube Outro Maker Allows You To Make Custom Outros?

How Youtube Outro Maker Allows You To Make Custom Outros?

The outro is essential in your video, as it should drive the viewers to action. And a youtube outro maker will help you to make it attractive.

In a video, it’s not just the intro that counts. If the aim of your corporate video is to convert, most people don’t want to be asked, in the first few seconds of a video, to sign up or opt out of something. This can be perceived as aggressive and intrusive. That’s why the outro is so important to get people to take action. And it’s up to you to include the essential elements with a youtube outro maker, designed for non-professionals in corporate video.

Why is the outro so important in a youtube video?

The intro is the few seconds that will allow you to introduce yourself, to automatically recognize you, thanks to your graphic charter, your logo and your jingle.

The outro is the last few seconds of the video. If your audience has already gone all the way through the video, this is not the time to lose them. The point of the outro is to get your audience to take action:
– make them want to know more,
– to go to your website,
– to ask for a demo of your service, product or application,
to register for your event,
– to make an appointment to get more information about what you sell.

For example, in this teaser, you can see in the outro the main objective: to redirect to the event’s social networks to follow the event live:

Video can also be used by your HR teams to recruit new talent. Here, the role of the outro is clear: to encourage people to send in their applications:

Why manage your own intros and outros with a youtube outro maker?

Rather than going back and forth with a video agency that doesn’t know you well, managing everything in-house has many advantages:

– your teams, who have been there for a while, know your brand identity, your colours, your typography, your messages: you won’t need to train them on this,
– you make economies of scale: rather than calling on an agency for a single video (often at a high price), you can, thanks to a licence, make unlimited videos.
-And so you save time and money.

How does the youtube outro maker allow you to easily make your outro?

On the online editing tool, you have pre-designed templates made just for you by motion designers.

These templates are a good basis to start your video project, and for any new project, you should first determine a graphic style.

Each graphic style has its own colours, animations and text. But don’t panic: they are not fixed ad vitam eternam: you can import your own colour palette, to have a custom outro.

branding youtube outro maker

Look at the visual above: on the youtube outro maker, for each choice of graphic style, you have the possibility, on the left, to import a colour palette, which will be automatically saved on the tool. The youtube outro maker does not impose colours on you: you can import your own and find them quickly and easily on the tool!

You can also modify :
– the text font,
– insert royalty-free music in the media library,
– the duration of each sequence, the speed of the broadcast.

Are you in a marketing team and would like to make your own video outro? With Pitchy, you will discover many features, such as animation, customizable design, layout, outros aesthetic, intro template, music, fonts, icons and colors, on an easy-to-use interface. You will be able to integrate your animated logo, your images, to make incredible videos, with awesome aspect.We also have an app, allowing you to edit your video rushes filmed with your smartphone. Added to that, our team will give you some tips to make awesome outro templates, to get more subscribers, to encourage viewers to subscribe and create engagement for your sales team afterwards.

Are your ready to make a great youtube video for your social media platforms? With the video editor Pitchy, you will have access to many video templates to make a fantastic intro and a good outro, gallery of pictures for your video clips, animations (you don’t need design skills) and voiceover.

Sign up for a demo of the Pitchy solution right now!

marc burger author
Marc Burger
Content Manager

A passionate Content Manager at Pitchy, Marc excels in designing and implementing captivating strategies, combining hard-hitting writing and in-depth analysis to bring you the best information!

Creation date 13/04/2023


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