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Infographic Video Maker: 7 Steps To Use It

Infographic Video Maker: 7 Steps To Use It

Thanks to video software, you will be able to create beautiful infographics to animate your figures. Here are the different steps.

Numbers have an important story to tell, but it depends on you to give it a voice” – Stephen Few
In order to monitor the company’s goals, and the goals that are to be set in the coming months, it is important to consolidate the data in order to expose them to the teams internally. The problem is that many companies impose unreadable or indigestible data tables, quickly losing the focus of employees. This is where the video infographic allows you to provide condensed, visual, and therefore more easily memorable information.

In this article, we suggest you go step by step, to be the most efficient in the elaboration of your infographic. You can make it yourself, thanks to an infographic video maker.

For more infographic examples, take a look at at this whiteboard animation made with Pitchy:


Who is your audience and what is your message?

First question: who is this infographic for? To the teams? To management? Or even external stakeholders?

Second question: what is the point of your infographic? Summarising sales figures? To set the next objectives?

And third question: what do you want your audience to take away from this video infographic?

Before you even start designing the video, you should have answered these three questions. These will then guide you in making your infographic as clear as possible. To avoid losing the attention of your employees, the infographic should not exceed two minutes. Also, limit the number of figures communicated: focus on the most important ones so that your message is clear.

Collect data before using infographic video maker

If, for example, you want to collect figures relating to your sector of activity, there are several sources available:

your own, if these are your internal figures for the year, quarter or month,

  • secondary and external research, concerning the competition: interviews with
  • specialists or executives, articles in the specialist press, or why not other infographics or studies available on the Internet. However, if the figures are not your own, remember to always indicate the source somewhere. And of course, make sure they are reliable sources.

Manage narration for your project (background and voiceover) with text, charts, diagrams, images, animations and other elements

It is true that infographics are usually visual, not auditory, presentations. Nevertheless, adding a voiceover can add dynamism to your content.

Remember that infographics are part of your storytelling: through the figures in the infographic, you tell part of your story (e.g. your successes since your creation, the evolution of your sales). And to tell a story, a voice is never too much.

The voice will also create a link between the story and the appearance of the information.

In addition to the voice, be sure to choose the music/theme that will accompany your narration, so that the audience does not fall asleep.

Adding a voice-over and music is possible thanks to an online video creation platform such as Pitchy.

Choose an appropriate infographic video maker, with simple functionality

The aim is to be able to make your own animated computer graphics without any particular technical skills. You will therefore need a simple tool, with guidance at the beginning of use to become fully autonomous. With Pitchy, you benefit from training with our customer success managers, for your first steps on the platform.

Choose templates and visual identity on infographic video maker

You will probably have the opportunity to create other infographics. Ideally, you should insert a graphic coherence, in particular to impose your visual identity, with templates and a colour code that is specific to you. Take inspiration from your logo, your website or other communication media.

Choose visuals carefully

In an infographic, patterns and other types of animation should not be chosen at random. In this table, you can see how each asset has a particular meaning and can be used in a particular example of an animated infographic.

For example: the graph will be preferred for statistics. For a geographical location, a map is used. To illustrate an advance in time, the diagram will be used.

ChartFlow, Organisational, SchematicTo show some statistical information
MapLocation, SchematicSpatial Geographical representation
GraphQuantitative data, Comparison, Relation between quantitiesFor statistical information
DiagramIcon, sequence, Process, TimelineTo demonstrate a process or event, or as a timeline

Video production with infographic video maker

Once you have collected all the data, chosen your graphic identity, your background music, and possibly your voice-over, you will have to put everything in place. First, arrange the scenes in order, in accordance with the script written beforehand. Then, agree on the right moment for each piece of information to appear. And above all… preview the result before presentation.

What about you? Would you like to make your own infographic video, a good infographic for your business? Do you want to get rid of static infographics, and use an infographic maker for this type of data visualisation for your business? Do you want to add professionalism and high-quality to your upcoming projects of motion graphics?

Pitchy is an easy infographic video maker, available for many users, for non-designers and beginners. You will be able to add subtitles, if you want to post your graphs on social media (because a lot of videos are watched without the sound on) to show your brand guidelines to ctustomers, use the Pitchy platform!

On Pitchy, you have pre designed video formats, to help you in your video creation, and give the best experience to viewers and customers. Better than canva or animaker!

Ask for a demo of the Pitchy solution.

marc burger author
Marc Burger
Content Manager

A passionate Content Manager at Pitchy, Marc excels in designing and implementing captivating strategies, combining hard-hitting writing and in-depth analysis to bring you the best information!

Creation date 02/06/2023


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