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Teaser video: why you need to keep it short

Teaser video: why you need to keep it short

You want to make a teaser video for a product launch or an event? Remember not to make it too long

Remember that creating your teaser is a bit like a film trailer: it must make people want to know more, to discover more. Whether it’s for a product launch, a corporate event you’re organising, or a training teaser, it’s still the simplest and quickest format to be consumed by your audience, which receives several hundred messages a day.

So, in this article, we will try not to be too long to help you in its realisation 😉

Everything is fast on social networks

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are likely to be your main channels for launching the teaser in question. And on these networks, the average length of a video should be :

  • 30 seconds on Instagram,
  • 45 seconds on Twitter,
  • 1 minute on Facebook, and,
  • 2 minutes on YouTube.

Also remember this figure: it will take you an average of 3 seconds to capture the attention of your audience in video: in other words, no time to lose!

Questions to ask yourself first for a short and effective teaser

A short video also means a clear message. Therefore, before making your video, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is your goal? To get people to register for your event or training course? Get prospects to order your new product? Or ask for a demo?
  • Who is this teaser video for? People who are potentially going to be trained? People who would be interested in your event? Future consumers potentially interested in your new service/product?
  • What do you want to promote? An upcoming corporate event? A training course? A new product or service?
  • What channels do you want to use? These will vary according to the age of your target audience.

Deliver the essential message in a short time

Training teaser

Here, the main thing is to say what the training will be about and where it will take place, all in a maximum of 30 seconds. So remember to include in your teaser (in this order):

  • The topic (a training course on what?),
  • Where and when? (date, time, and room if necessary),
  • Where to register? (email address or registration link in the description of the video). Also, insist on the urgent nature of the registration, to encourage action.

Event invitation teaser

Repeat the main points seen in the training teaser. However, here, feel free to use photos of previous editions (if any) in the background. If you have organised this type of event before, and it was well attended, remember that, and prove it in pictures! Prove it in video too: in fact, in this teaser, don’t hesitate to add video footage of crowds, or speakers speaking in front of full houses. This way, your event teaser can be a little longer, up to 45-50 seconds.

New product teaser

In this type of teaser, highlight :

  • The advantages of the new product (or new features in a few key messages),
  • Remember to set the scene, with a striking backdrop (motion design), but one in which it does not drown, as well as lively music if the audience decides to turn on the sound,
  • Its arrival on the market.

Do you want to create your own teaser for product launch or an event? Ask a demo from Pitchy

marc burger author
Marc Burger
Content Manager

A passionate Content Manager at Pitchy, Marc excels in designing and implementing captivating strategies, combining hard-hitting writing and in-depth analysis to bring you the best information!

Creation date 01/04/2023


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