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Boost Your Newsletter with Customer Testimonials Video

Boost Your Newsletter with Customer Testimonials Video

Want to boost your newsletter to get more conversions from your prospects? Try customer testimonials video!

Engaging your customers through a newsletter is an effective way to market your business. Indeed, while you serve valuable content to them, you can also promote and sell your products to an audience favorable to your company. Since video will make 82% of the global Internet traffic in 2022, you would be wise to use it in your promotional strategy.

Among content ideas to be used in your newsletters, customer testimonials videos must have a special place. Indeed, they are very useful to convert reluctant prospects into faithful customers. Indeed, they are a powerful way to enable your customers to honestly share their experience with other potential customers.

However, you may think that making video testimonials are challenging, especially if you are not familiar with them. If this is your case, this article will guide you.

What is a customer testimonial video?

A customer testimonial video involves happy customers talking about the benefits they experienced with a product or service of a particular brand through a video.

Why do you need customer testimonial videos in your newsletter?

Video testimonials are a sure way to sell your products, win new customers and gain a higher market share. They build trust with consumers, while you highlight your prestigious customers. Also, they help you to reach your marketing and sales goals.

Video testimonials build trust around your brand

When people want to buy a product or a service, they rely on the opinions of others. For instance, Nielsen reported that 92% of consumers trust a brand that someone has recommended to them, even if the opinion comes from a stranger. That’s why reviews and testimonials are so successful for your company if you want to reach new customers, as your visibility will be increased.

Video testimonials amplify this fact because they act as social proof thatstrengthens the credibility of a brand. Also, when your customers allow you to give a face-to-face interview on video, it will help you to convince prospects and push them to buy.

They perform better than text-based testimonials

It is known that video testimonials are more trusted than text-based testimonials. Indeed, visuals are processed by the brain 60,000 times faster than text.
This doesn’t mean that text-based testimonials are ineffective. However, video testimonials are more powerful, and they cannot be faked. Thus, they bring a sense of authenticity, persuasiveness, and personality that you can’t have with text-based testimonials.

Video testimonials increase your engagement rate

Customer video testimonials help your business beyond building trust and authenticity. Indeed, they enable you to add a human touch to your marketing strategy. Therefore, since your targeted audience will see and hear from other people like themselves, you will gain more engagement. Never forget that reliability induced by the human touch is the key element in driving engagement.
In addition, video testimonials can be very useful to reconnect with prospects during retargeting campaigns, as they drive more engagement.

Customer video testimonials improve your SEO strategy

In this case, you need to understand how Google ranks content on the web. As Google understands that videos explain things better, your website will have better rankings if it has video content. And this includes video testimonials in your newsletters.

What do your customers gain from a video testimonial ?

When you interview your customers for your video testimonials, you also bring some advantages to them:
· You give them the opportunity to speak up on camera
· You enable them to value your products and your brand through their experience
· You can offer them some perks, such as promotions, new offers, or special access to new features of your product/service.

Create impactful customer video testimonials in 3 steps

Do you believe that creating powerful customer video testimonials is challenging? If this is your case, think again. This task shouldn’t be complicated. Indeed, all you need is a well-thought strategy to get started. Here are the three steps you need to follow to create your video testimonials.

Step #1: Ask the right question to your customers

You should be aware that your customers use your product or service for different individual reasons. Consequently, you need to ask the right questions that resonates with your audience’s needs. Your questions must be specific to enable your customers to share their experience, so that your prospects can identify with them.

Here are some questions you must ask your customers:
· What kind of problems were you trying to solve before using our product/service?
· Which alternative to our product/service did you try before?
· Why were you seeking our product/service in the first place?
· How did you hear about our product/service?
· What is your experience with our product/service?
· How did our product/service make your life easier than before?
· Did you achieve tangible results? If yes, can you share them?
· In your opinion, what is the most impressive thing about our product/service?

Step #2: Write an empowered script aiming at your prospects

At this stage, you must come up with a storyline that portrays the pain points of your target audience in a way they can relate to. Your ideal script follows the following structure.
The customer introduce himself/herself and talks about the main problem he/she wanted to solve.
The solution, the hero
The customer needs to talk about your product/service as the hero in the narrative. Your product/service was the perfect solution adapted to the problem he/she was having. He/she can even go further to explain how he/she came across your business and how it helped them.
The customer’s happy ending
This part explains the outcome of the customer. What did your customer have after using your solutions? How has it impacted the customer’s life? Your customer needs to explain how your product/service improved his/her life and how he/she can sleep properly at night.
The next step
You need to point your viewers to the next precise move you want them to take. In this case, you must enunciate a clear call-to-action:
· Buy your product/service
· Register to a webinar
· Subscribe to your newsletter
· Follow you on social media…
You can have one or more call-to-actions, but they must be clearly enunciated.

Step #3: Ensure a convenient viewing experience for your audience

After creating your script, you must think about the audio and video quality of your customer video testimonials. Since your customers are not marketing experts, you must walk them through the process. Don’t hesitate to brief your customers about your vision and how you plan to shoot it.
If you want to create a high-quality customer testimonial video, here are some tips to must follow:
· Help your customers to choose what to wear, where to look and how to speak
· Add depth and emotions to your video project
· Include crisp and clear visuals to your video
· Add quick, raw, and sincere images
· Get an audible sound, with minimal background noise
· Use minimal animated graphics and/or metrics

Do you want to create your first customer video testimonial? Contact us!

Are you ready to create your customer video testimonials? In that case, Pitchy is the solution you need! We will put our best video features at your disposal to help you to reach your marketing goals with a great testimonial, to brand over others and create emotion. Show your specificity with an appealing video! If you have more questions about our platform, feel free to ask for a demo.

Sign up for a demo!

marc burger author
Marc Burger
Content Manager

A passionate Content Manager at Pitchy, Marc excels in designing and implementing captivating strategies, combining hard-hitting writing and in-depth analysis to bring you the best information!

Creation date 08/06/2023


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